Unable to test API by Postman

Hi All,


I am facing issue in client machine to test API by using Postman.(developed API in  APIGEE X)

When I am hitting API by postman, trace is not coming in APIGEE trace section.(checked the resource path- correct and all getting 404 -not found in postman)

Please suggest.

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Add little more information please.

Basic checks..

1. check if the proxy is deployed.

2. check the url and do a test directly on the platform to see if you are seeing the request (on the trace you can send and validate)

3. In postman make sure you are matching the url & respective proxy specific information (headers/verb etc) & test. - sometimes if there are any firewall blocks the traffic  it wouldn't reach the request.

4.If at all it reaches apigee it will provide default fault or as per the proxy error handling responses.

Try to do self isolate if it is happening for all api's or 1 api ...

good luck.

Thanks it is working now