Unable to perform authentication in cassandra log

Hi Team,

We have multi-region setup with three DC's hosted in apigee hybrid with v 1.7.1. Two being the Anthos DC's and third one hosted on EKS(AWS). The issue here is while verifying the cassadra-default-0 pod  in EKS(AWS) there is an error stating unable to authenticate, due to this error the default-1 and default-2 pods are not being created. Below is the error message ,and please note that there is no issue with other two DC's. Also verified the overrides.yaml file and found no issue, please suggest what might be causing this.

Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning Unhealthy 3m52s (x5295 over 13h) kubelet Readiness probe failed: Authentication is setup, but roles are not created and hence using updated cassandra password
nodetool: Failed to connect to '' - FailedLoginException: 'Unable to perform authentication: Cannot achieve consistency level QUORUM'.


Thanks in advance.

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Please check once again if the apigee-ca secrets is copied to the EKS. Try deleting the apigee-ca certs, copy from the Anthos DC and put it back again in EKS. Delete cassandra pods.