Unable to diagnose "Uh oh. Something went amiss." with Developer portal - SAML integration


We are applying the SAML add-on to a developer portal login. After configuration both sides of the authentication handshake, we are able to get the SAML assertion POSTed back to Apigee.

However, the user then receives the following error message:

Uh oh.
Something went amiss.

No logs or additional information are available. I suspect that the value mapping for the user accounts is off, but how do I go about determining this?



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Hi Kris -

If you are using Integrated Developer Portal, please file a ticket with Support so we can investigate on our end. We would need to know the org you're having trouble with.

If you are using Drupal Developer Portal with OPDK, the SSO logs can be found in `${APIGEE_DIR}/var/log/apigee-sso`. The typical $APIGEE_DIR location is `/opt/apigee`.

View solution in original post


Without logs, it is hard to understand. Without reference configurations (what you did on which component, what versions you have, and on what documentation you based your configs) - it is impossible. 

Hi Kris -

If you are using Integrated Developer Portal, please file a ticket with Support so we can investigate on our end. We would need to know the org you're having trouble with.

If you are using Drupal Developer Portal with OPDK, the SSO logs can be found in `${APIGEE_DIR}/var/log/apigee-sso`. The typical $APIGEE_DIR location is `/opt/apigee`.