Trace or Log of custom attributes value updates on Apigee App / Product

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Hi All,

I am looking to see if there will be any trace/log available ( or is there a way to enable it) for any update of the values of custom attributes value updates on Apigee App / Product.

Say if I have a custom attribute called Limit and is set to a value of 10. And later if someone with access to edit app updates it to 20, which log/trace the information about the custom attribute 'limit' updated from 10 to 20 would be written.

This question is more to know the trace of the activity.

Thanks in advance.

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HI @sreejith

Welcome to the community !!!

You can see the values in the trace tool. For this to appear, you must either have a Verify API Key policy or OAuth policy. In the trace tool, when you click one of those policies, it should display the flow variable and the value. In your case, it will show 20 (if someone changed the value in Product config page)

The above is to see what is the latest value being used within the proxy. But if you want to see who changed it - you will have to go to Admin --> Org history. Please bear in mind that it will just show that the Product config was changed with the full request payload and by whom but will not show what was the difference. I believe for your use case, this should be good enough to track

Hope this helps !