The Apigee Question form keeps giving an error even if I type in more than 60 characters

Why does the form not recognize that I type in more than 60 characters . This is the Description field and I typed in more than 60 characters.

3 33 2,247

I submitted this since I tried several times to submit a question that had more than 60 characters in the description but kept getting error messages that it didn't have more than 60 characters. I think the form field error checking may be invalid when there are special characters in the description field


Same here, interested nobody has responded.

I don't know what causes that. I've seen the problem and I believe you.

In my experience, closing the browser, clearing the cache, and re-trying corrects the problem. It's temporary, but I don't understand exactly what's happening.

I'm sorry you're experiencing this hassle.

Hello Dino. I want to ask some question as I'm new to apigee but it won''t let me. I refreshed, cleared the cache and also did hard reload but still not working

me too 😞

cant post any question

i also see same error intermittently.

I'm getting that everytime. Even hard reload and clearing cache is not helping

I also cant post any question. Trying since yesterday and used Chrome, IE , Edge.

Experiment with all your browsers, I recall this being a problem that worked on one browser but not others. I can work around this whenever I encounter it by trying IE or Chrome or Moz, whichever is not acting up.

I did. I tried with both Mozilla and Chrome. Same issue

Yes. Can some one please let us know the workaround.

Is there a solution for this issue? i am still unable to post a question.

I don't know the reason for the problem, and I don't know of a solution, except... try a different browser?

Hello Dino, can you contact your backend team to look for this issue.

tried with IE, Chrome, edge..same problem

Yes, I'll do that.

no. I still have same issue.

why there is a limit of post to begin with! its open community discussion

I am unable to post a question, same issue. Tried multiple times.

Main question I guess! Why Apigee guys are not doing anything about it.!

Do you have a screenshot of the full page? If it fails one of the other validations eg missing a topic, it seems the page shows error for minimum character limits as well

Also are you getting the same red banner as the original post in this thread, or is the submit button simply disabled, preventing you from submitting?

How did you managed to post this question @James Kelly?

Thanks, everyone for the reports. A fix was released today that should resolve these issues.

Hi The issue is still not fixed. We are still not able to post questions. Now the message "Minimum 60 characters" is not coming but when I try to submit the post, it shows me "The form below has errors. Correct the fields in red and try again." even though it hasn't any. screenshot-147.png

Can you please provide a screenshot of the full page, also are there any errors in the browser console?

Sorry Dane I am not able to upload the screenshot here as the accept button after uploading the screenshot is not working.

I am getting the below error on the console.

combined.js.h-291136827.pack:1 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.0.0 combined.js.h-291136827.pack:412 [Deprecation] The behavior that Selection.addRange() merges existing Range and the specified Range was removed. See for more details. gtm.js?id=GTM-N52333:2282 Refused to load the script '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'". Note that 'script-src-elem' was not explicitly set, so 'script-src' is used as a fallback. t.qh@gtm.js?id=GTM-N52333:2282 gtm.js?id=GTM-N52333:2275 Uncaught >Object gtm.js?id=GTM-N52333:2275 Uncaught >Object cropUpload.json:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

Same here. Did you find any solution for this ??

When you selected the submit button, and the error notification appeared at the top of the page, did the topic dropdown display an error message about needed to specify a topic, or was a topic selected at that time?

Yes I had given the topic as well.

This problema was already solved ?

I'm also having the same error

I'm facing same issue. Can anyone help me ?