Statistics Collector Custom Dimension not appearing

Not applicable

I have used Statistics Collector policy for getting a custom dimension in Analytics Custom Report.

But i am unable to see the custom dimension in Reports --> Custom Report --> Dimensions dropdown.

I am attaching the proxy i have used

1 5 1,520

Swapnil, are you a trial/developer user?

Yes. I am using Apigee trial account.

We have disabled custom variable analytics for trial users in order to implement a new feature. We will re-enable this capability in the near future. We will update on this forum when we re-enable. Hope this is alright. We can demonstrate this capability on a non-trial account if you would like to see.

I've seen quite a few questions regarding custom analytics in free orgs. Here's how I solved it.

You can fake custom analytics using ExtractVariables to get the content you want into a variable (e.g. custom header value or body element) and then in your target post flow response set the target URL. Now create a analytics report that uses target URL, remember to note this "abuse" of target URL in your report comments.

I did this to get analytics on different backend targets being hit by a node.js based proxy. I set backend-system variable in a customer header in the node backend then assigned it to the target URL.

Here are the policies on the target post flow for convenience:


<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="EV-backend-system">
    <!-- Set by Node.js app to track backend system, prefereably a "coded" value to not expose backend URLs -->
    <Header name="X-Backend-System">
        <Pattern ignoreCase="true">{backend-system}</Pattern>
    <Source clearPayload="false">response</Source>
<Javascript async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" timeLimit="200" name="JS-set-target-url">
    <!-- Hack to use target url, available in regular analytics reports. -->
    <DisplayName>JS-set target url</DisplayName>

var val = context.getVariable("backend-system");
// Needs to be a valid URL
context.setVariable("target.url", "http://" + val);
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="AM-remove-backend-system">
    <DisplayName>AM-remove backend system</DisplayName>
            <!-- For debugging, to verify its set -->
            <Header name="X-TargetURL">{target.url}</Header>
            <Header name="X-Backend-System"/>
    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>

Perhaps, I should make this an article.

@spadmanabhan @Swapnil Raverkar

@Kurt Kanaskie Cool! This is a good method.