Some API Products Not Listing In Drupal

API products with underscore char as part of the Name(internal name of the API Product) are not listing on the Drupal Interface during the app creation. 

Additional Info: 

Apigee Version - Apigee X 
Drupal Version - 9.2.6




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Hi @raoabhi31031997 

For instance  if product name is  "Product_1"  in this case its not displayed in Drupal portal during app creation, is this what you are saying? 

If yes, then please check the API product access and permissions both in Apigee edge as well Drupal also check if this product is purchased.  

Yes @shishir21  your understanding is correct. 

I created Product1 and Product_1 . I was unable to make any type of difference between the two on Apigee X console. The Product1 was listing on drupal but not the Product_1. 

I am unable to debug the reason too. So, that's why want understand, is there any restriction that has been put by Apigee Edge module?

Any other thoughts on how can I debug the cause for this weird thing?


Maybe you could post the definition of the respective API products.  

Use the Apigee API to query it. 

Authorization: Bearer :token

Let's see if there are any differences that might be related to your observation. 

In Drupal portal, go to  '/admin/modules' and enable "Apigee Edge Debug" module then check the logs for API products here /admin/reports/dblog.