Small Defect in EDGE Management PHP SDK

Sorry if this is not the appropriate place: I planned to submit a PR against the edge-php-sdk GitHub repository but the method that needs to change is completely different than that loaded in the dev portal, and I wasn't sure where else to go.

There is a small defect in Developer.php that causes loadAllDevelopers to fail with a 404 when paging is enabled. With the change below, it works fine.


line 612 changed from:

  $queryString = 'expand=true&count=' . $this->pageSize; 


  $queryString = '?expand=true&count=' . $this->pageSize;

(added missing '?' to the query string)

0 2 163

Thank you @williamking for the fix and sharing with us. We will let the right team to know about the same and get in touch with you.

Not applicable

Hi there,

Thanks for taking a look at it! Please submit a PR against edge-php-sdk. Someone from SDK team will take it up further.

