Setting Up Health monitor for APIGEE X proxy

There are few posts that mention a way to setup health monitor on target server. I understand how to add the element within the proxy code. But unable to find out the results. For eg. If I have setup the interval of 5 sec for HTTP Monitor. How do I verify that the polling is happening every 5 sec & what are the results. I do not see it getting printed in cloud logging by default. Do I need to setup any logging for this to be printed. Or is there any other way to access the report of health check. Please suggest.
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AFAIK, there is no way to log the polling events from Apigee X in Cloud Logging. I don't believe Apigee X is instrumented to log a message with every health monitoring ping.  It seems a reasonable feature request, that Apigee  ought to provide some visibility into the status of the health checks. Like a log message that says "reporting healthy" or "reporting unhealthy" every once in a while. Maybe  every 30 seconds.  Probably not every ping.  @madhurranjan maybe you have a view.  or @gsjurseth ?

I think the best way, currently, to get logging, is to log from the "other side" - the endpoint that is being monitored.