Response Streaming - Buffer Over flow | Flow hook

Hi ,

We have enabled response streaming in target end point . How ever for some cases we are getting this error . -

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Body buffer overflow","detail":{"errorcode":"protocol.http.TooBigBody"}}} 

Proxy is not using any policy which has access to response payload .

However we have flow hook in post target flow which is copying target response . can we use Assignmessage to copy response in flow hook - target post flow if streaming enabled ? 

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You are attempting to read and buffer the payload when you execute the AssignMessage policy in the Flow Hook, which is the cause of the `TooBigBody` error. When streaming is enabled you cannot use this policy. See the docs at

I recommend you set the Condition on the policy step to be skipped if streaming is enabled, like this -

    <Condition>((proxy.request.streaming.enabled != "true") AND (proxy.response.streaming.enabled != "true"))</Condition>