Remove Selective Authorization header

I am trying to create a Proxy which will receive 2 Authorization Headers, one with Bearer token and another with Basic. The Proxy should validate the Bearer and remove it and pass the Basic one to the backend service. I am not able to selectively remove one Auth header using the below as per the documentation

<Remove> <Headers> <Header name="Authorization.2"/> </Headers> </Remove>

Also when 2 headers are being sent Apigee is not able to selectively validate the Bearer. Is there a way to check the value and then remove that particular header only?

2 7 4,593

I don't know if there is any specification that disapproves having multiple-auth headers, but it's good to have custom headers to handle situations like this.

To test this, I created a proxy and added an extract-variable-policy on the request pipeline. It looks like this -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Extract-Variables-1">
    <DisplayName>Extract Variables-1</DisplayName>
    <Header name="Authorization">
        <Pattern ignoreCase="false">Bearer {oauthtoken}</Pattern>
    <Header name="X-Authorization">
        <Pattern ignoreCase="false">Basic {basicauth}</Pattern>
    <Source clearPayload="false">request</Source>

When I send the following request, I see that both oauthtoken and basicauth variables will be populated -

curl -v "" -H "Authorization : Bearer 123" -H "X-Authorization : Basic dG9iYWNrZW5k"

Once you have the values extracted, you can remove the header with an Assign-Message-policy similar to this -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Assign-Message-1">
    <DisplayName>Assign Message-1</DisplayName>
            <Header name="X-Authorization"/>
    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>

Hope this helps!

The problem is that this is a migration project from another API Management tool so i cannot change the existing. I was trying an alternate solution,whereby I am Extracting the headers and then removing and setting them again. I noticed a strange thing. If the header name is Authorizations or anything else, the below code works.

<Header name="Authorizations"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">Bearer {oauthtoken}</Pattern> </Header> <Header name="Authorizations"> <Pattern ignoreCase="true">Basic {basictoken}</Pattern> </Header>

However if you just change the name to Authorization it doesn't work anymore. It seems there is some definition associated with the header name which extracts to a string and not to an array as in the documentation. Doesn't this sound like a bug to you?

Ok. I understand. Authorization is a standard HTTP header, but not Authorizations. Hence extracting headers works with that approach only when it's Authorizations. I also believe Apigee Edge does not allow you to send multiple authorization headers.

@ishitachakraborty , What does request look like to the proxy & to the target server ? Are you sending two headers with same name & different value or one header with a value separated by comma or any delimitter ?

@Anil Sagar The request being sent to the Proxy has 2 Authorization headers as below:-


Authorization:Bearer TncQuodX0zk8Is8ds1D6UVVK7

Authorization:Basic c3RhZ2U6c3RhZ2UjMWNvcH


So yes, 2 headers with same name and different values. However i think that the Proxy is interpreting is as a 1 header with 2 values. Because the array and pattern functionality work great if I even rename the header to anything else.

@ishitachakraborty , When i try to send two headers with Authorization as key Apigee Edge cloud generates router / DNS kind of error. Do you see same ? Are you working on OnPremises ?

@Anil Sagar Yes I am working on premise. and there is no router/DNS error. Infact I have created a workaround also using JS to split the headers ( since Edge is concatenating it as a string) and then adding it back one by one which seems to work kinda fine for now.