RegularExpressionProtection Policy Payload Example


Can someone please give me the exact payload examples which will satisfied the pattern define in the RegularExpressionProtection policy here

Please pass only valid working example payload, no assumption please

Required header


<RegularExpressionProtection name="JsonPathRegExProtection">
  <DisplayName>Regular Expression Protection 1</DisplayName>
  <JSONPayload escapeSlashCharacter="true">

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Sorry, can you clarify?

I think you're asking, what string would match this regular expression?, is that right?

Are you asking about a specific regex cited in the documentation page?

or are you asking about the regex expressions you specified in your example policy?

Hi Dino,

Yes, I wanted to know the string in payload which matches the expression listed on the policy above .

what string would match this regular expression?, is that right? (Yes)