Quota Settings


I have q requirement of setting quota in time unit of second, from documentation i see it can be achieved by making distributed to false, but when its non distributed our setting works per MP( for example lets say i define 5 tps and i have 3 MPs it will allow 15tps)  which should not be the case it should strictly enforce 5 tps irrespective of MPs. I feel the settings defined in are contradicting , what could be the best setting we can do.

And when i say distributed = false & synchronous = true to enforce my need, quota is not applied at all its continuously allowing.

And in case when distributed true & sync= false with , async -> sync mesage count=1, not working as expected, here i did not understand how MPs are synced.

I am expecting some solution with relation between distributed, synchronous , Asynchrounous(with child attributes)





0 3 132

Yes, you cannot use distributed with a second timeunit on quota policy. What exactly is the use case / what are you trying to achieve with a per second quota? Would this better be solved with spike arrest policy, or expressing your quota per minute instead and then using distributed?



The use case is to restrict the client to 5 TPS. Though we have spike we need to define quota for this requirement, if i express quota per minute it could breach 5 tps.

In Quota --> TimeUnit  Documentation i saw below note : 
Note: The policy also supports second as the time unit. However, second is only supported for non-distributed counters, as defined by Distributed=false

This is contradicting with another statement, Distributed: - If you use the default value of false, then you might exceed your quota because the count for each Message Processor is not shared.

But i need to maintain a central counter and continuously synchronize it across all Message Processors ( FYI 4 MPs in this usecase).

Please let me know, if you find any solution for this.


If you're using Apigee Edge, you may need to consider rolling your own solution with redis/memorystore to maintain a low latency counter. Otherwise, you could try the configuration with spike arrest on X/Hybrid.