Quota Policy Expire Time Bug

I am on Apigee Edge and am using a flexi type quota policy in a shared flow.  The quota identifier is unique to the developer's email address. I am using 1 month intervals.  And, being flexi,  the start dates and times are all different.  The quota's counts and expiration times appear to be independent of each other across multiple proxies and developers with no problem.  However, the expire time will sometimes spontaneously change at the beginning of a calendar month, even though the actual start times are different.  And, then the start times sometime change again within the calendar month.  Sometime it adds days and sometime it subtracts days.   The change offsets appear to be the same duration across all proxies and I think all developers.  Has anybody seen this issue?

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Well I don't know about anybody else, but I've never seen that issue. 

If you can provide clear, specific instructions for how to reproduce the behavior, we can take a look at it, and maybe file a bug.