Proxy deployment date, unable to retrieve the info

Hi Guys,

I have a requirement to pull out the list of all deployed API proxy based on the <CreatedAt> details.
I am able to pull out the list of all proxies available in that given organization using the below:
When trying the get the deployment details using below it doesn't give any details on the created date for that specific proxy.
Due to huge list of proxies wanted to avoid manual efforts. Please let me kno

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Hi @kumaramkr - Have you tried adding the 'includeMetaData=true' option to your API call? for example:


curl \
  '{your-org}/apis?includeMetaData=true&includeRevisions=true&key=[YOUR_API_KEY]' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \


 In my results I see 'createdAt' information for each proxy under 'metaData' when I use this option. For example:

  "proxies": [
      "metaData": {
        "createdAt": "1613938046960",
        "lastModifiedAt": "1613938046960",
        "subType": "Proxy"
      "name": "security-oauth-v1",
      "apiProxyType": "PROGRAMMABLE"

View solution in original post

Yes, it's all nicely documented here, with try it functionality included 🙂

Here is a link to the relevant section in question:

View solution in original post


Hi @kumaramkr - Have you tried adding the 'includeMetaData=true' option to your API call? for example:


curl \
  '{your-org}/apis?includeMetaData=true&includeRevisions=true&key=[YOUR_API_KEY]' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \


 In my results I see 'createdAt' information for each proxy under 'metaData' when I use this option. For example:

  "proxies": [
      "metaData": {
        "createdAt": "1613938046960",
        "lastModifiedAt": "1613938046960",
        "subType": "Proxy"
      "name": "security-oauth-v1",
      "apiProxyType": "PROGRAMMABLE"

Hello @markjkelly 

These are very interesting queryString options!

I did not find them on the APIGEE X API documentation...
Is there a place where all these eastern eggs are referenced?


Yes, it's all nicely documented here, with try it functionality included 🙂

Here is a link to the relevant section in question:

Oops, my bad! I was thinking this kind of parameters would apply on every list, not only orgs 🙂


Thanks @markjkelly this worked.