Proxy Creation from SpringFox swagger2.0 specs from /api-docs endpoint

Not applicable

As of now, when we provide the /api-docs endpoint to create reverse proxy, it just says "bad request". The api-docs endpoint does provide valid swagger json spec (verified via Any ideas why this would not work?

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New Member

What is the URL that you are passing to the ReverseProxy generate step ?

Not applicable

url: {hostname}/api-docs
We added the following properties in our "" to avoid the path of "/v2/api-docs"

Not applicable

we have found some information that might help you here:

1) the proxy creation from swagger in the UI seems to only work if you point to a public FQDN - that lives on a PUBLIC ip address. What this means is you cant have a FQDN that resolves to a 10.x address. Im an on-prem customer so imagine how happy that made me.

2) you cant play w/ work arounds like host file entries, etc to get around (1)

3) as an on prem customer, i was able to rig this all up by putting some swagger docs behind a publicly facing API interface which had a public ip and a public FQDN and rig this to load stuff.

It gets more interesting if you are on on-prem / private cloud user.

@Benjamin Goldman yes .. we are on-prem .. sorry I forgot to mention that before. It was able to pickup the yaml url from the APIGEE documentation, I wonder why it won't take json ?