Porting Apigee Analytics data

We have a requirement to port the Apigee Analytics data to a DataWarehouse platform for longer retention and advanced integration with reporting and visualization softwares(Tableau etc).

What would be the best approach for this?

1. Doing it via Analytics API -- The drawback i see here are the sheer volume of data that needs to be migrated. This might have an impact on Management server and PG nodes.

2. Daily DB replication from PG to DW platoform -- The drawback i see here is impact to PG node. I am not sure if the PG node needs to be down for the migration to happen.

Anyone has any other suggestions based on their experience , please share.


Rajeev S

0 2 493

maybe @spadmanabhan has a suggestion?

I am guessing this is in private cloud. If this is correct, I suggest using option 2. Ideally, the copy can be executed after end of day (say few hours later -- like early morning of next day) and you can copy the exact child fact table out of PG and then load into your DW platform. Assuming that early morning time is a time of lighter query activity, the copy can be executed from the slave node. Though it should be okay from master as well.