Oauth is failing after Apigee Hybrid instance upgrade to v1.5.6

We are using apigee hybrid instance. The admin team yesterday did an upgrade on apigee nonprod instance to 1.5.6
We are using oauth2.0 (client_credentials) and passing grant type as refresh token in FormParam 
Since the upgrade all the proxies using this oauth functionality are failing. The similar proxies are working in prod environment which are yet to be upgraded.
We are 400 Bad request error as below :



    "ErrorCode": "invalid_request",
    "Error": "Unsupported grant type : refresh_token"

@dknezic @dchiesa1 @Former Community Member 

Solved Solved
0 5 240

Setting content-type in AM

<Payload contentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"/>


continueOnError="true" in OAuthV2 policy resolved the error.

We are still now sure why it is working in production which is yet to be upgraded.

View solution in original post


How did you obtain the original access_token? which grant_type ?



We are using Grant Type as 'refresh_token' only

What I meant to ask was: what grant type did you use to obtain the original access token ? 

Hi Dino.

To get original access token we  are using 'refresh_token' grant type.


Below is the apigee code we are using.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ServiceCallout name="SC-GenerateToken" enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false">
                <Header name="Content-Type">application/json</Header>
                <Header name="Authorization">Basic {private.Encoded64}</Header>
                <FormParam name="grant_type">refresh_token</FormParam>
                <FormParam name="refresh_token">{private.refresh_token}</FormParam>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage name="AssignMessage-TokenSetVariable">
            <!--<FormParam name="client_id">Y2UyNTZkOTctMmZjYy00ODE4LWFjYTEtNzI2YmFjNWRlYWEw</FormParam>-->
            <FormParam name="client_id">{private.ClientId}</FormParam>
            <FormParam name="grant_type">refresh_token</FormParam>
    <AssignTo type="request" transport="http" createNew="false"/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<OAuthV2 name="Generate-Client-Credentials-Token" enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false">
    <DisplayName>Generate Client-Credentials Token</DisplayName>
    <!-- <ClientId>Y2UyNTZkOTctMmZjYy00ODE4LWFjYTEtNzI2YmFjNWRlYWEw</ClientId>-->


The strange part is that all proxies in prod apigee instance are working fine and it same configuration as non-prod. Prod apigee is not upgraded yet.


Please can you help us out as we have raised a case with Google and are they are not able to get an answer until now and this is impacting our development and critical go lives. If possible we can have quick call too to demonstrate our issue.

Setting content-type in AM

<Payload contentType="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"/>


continueOnError="true" in OAuthV2 policy resolved the error.

We are still now sure why it is working in production which is yet to be upgraded.