Not able to extract service callout response variables in node.js

Not applicable


I am not able to extract service callout response variables in node.js:

Used following in my node js:

var svr = http.createServer(function(req, resp) {


var testVariable = apigee.getVariable(req,'sample');

console.log("testVariable ", testVariable);

var abc = JSON.stringify(testVariable);

console.log("info abc235", abc);

var testVariable1 = {};


console.log("info testVariable1", testVariable1); //console.log('sampleVar2212342',JSON.stringify(testVariable));*/ //var testVariable1 = JSON.parse(testVariable);

console.log('cust212 ',testVariable1.customerInfo.customer);

console.log('customerI2 ','Hello, Node!');

resp.end('Hello, Node!'); });

console.log('cus ','Hello,');

svr.listen(process.env.PORT || 8000, function() { console.log('Node HTTP server is listening'); });

not able to extract testVariable1.customerInfo and further , though it is been parsed as json object and in console log i am getting it printed , but on the next line if we extract the variable it is giving undefined.

0 13 1,047

@Ashish sharma

Kindly use code to populate the snippet. It eases the readability.

Not applicable
var http = require('http');
var apigee = require('apigee-access');
var d = new Date();
console.log("date "+ d);
console.log('node.js application starting2542543...');

var svr = http.createServer(function(req, resp) {
    var testVariable = apigee.getVariable(req,'sample');
    var abc =  JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testVariable));
    console.log("info abc", abc);
    console.log("abc customerInfo", abc.customerInfo);
    console.log("abc customer3242", abc.customerInfo.customer);
resp.end('Hello, Node!');

svr.listen(process.env.PORT || 8000, function() {
    console.log('Node HTTP server is li');

This is the sample variable response : {"customerInfo":{"customer":{"@customerId":"124545"}}}

Thanks @Ashish sharma,

 var testVariable = apigee.getVariable(req,'sample');<br>

the value returned is already a string, the following operation can be skipped.


Try parsing the value directly -

var abc =  JSON.parse(testVariable);<br>

Let me know if that works!

getting following error:
*** Starting script date Thu Dec 29 2016 05:04:05 GMT-0000 (UTC) 5-4-5 node.js application starting2542543... Node HTTP server is li FAILED SETTING MESSAGES {"message":"Access to Java class \"com.apigee.protocol.http.msg.HTTPResponse\" is prohibited. (errorConfig_js#1232)","fileName":"errorConfig_js","lineNumber":1232} Error content exists Javascript error finished determining error type, handling.. Possible error sources: ServiceCallout, non-success, javascript [DEBUG]: errResp = {"fault":{"faultstring":"JavaScript execution failed: Unterminated string literal: SyntaxError: Unterminated string literal\n at /organization/environment/api/coreNode.js:12\n at emit (events.js:98)\n at adaptorhttp.js:540\n at domain.js:183\n at domain.js:123\n at adaptorhttp.js:539\n at adaptorhttp.js:649\n","detail":{"errorcode":"scripts.node.ScriptExecutionError"}}} Filters

This error i am getting when i am parsing directly : var abc = JSON.parse(testVariable);

Checked the syntax , having : var abc = JSON.parse(testVariable); on line 12 .which is giving the error

Let me cross check with the same use-case.

Check for syntax -

Unterminated string literal

is the error.

@Ashish sharma

The following snippet works fine for me -

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var apigee = require('apigee-access');

    var testVariable = apigee.getVariable(req,'sample');
    var abc =  JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testVariable));

var server = app.listen(8081);

In my case, I have assigned the variable sample using Javascript Policy.

Not applicable
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var apigee = require('apigee-access');
console.log("Node server started!!!!");
    var testVariable = apigee.getVariable(req,'sample');
    var abc =  JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testVariable));
console.log("Node server ended!!!");
var server = app.listen(8081);
*** Starting script
Node server started!!!!
Node server ended!!!

Though it is giving 200 but it is not printing anything in console, Also '/customers/12345678/info' is again dynamic in my case , hence need to again extract the variable in node js.

@Nisha Mallesh: Still not able to get succesfull response.


@Ashish sharma

The above is the screenshot for the node js logs.

Also, make use of path params for dynamically populating the customer values -
