Not able to create GET access to /environment resource for a new role

Not applicable
Hi, I am an organization administrator. Still I am not able to give the following access to a new role I am creating. { "path" : "/environments", "permissions" : [ "get" ]} I am getting a Forbidden. What, I am trying to achieve is a user, who has access to do anything in all environments except production and test. Thanks Jaskaran
0 13 419

can you share you API call? why is the path /environments, shouldn't it be /v1/o/{}/environments?

I am trying /environments, because that is the access that the org admin has. See orgadmin accesses below - { "resourcePermission": [ { "organization": "", "path": "/", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments", "permissions": [ "get" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/*", "permissions": [ "get" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/*/virtualhosts", "permissions": [ "get" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/*/virtualhosts/*", "permissions": [ "get" ] } ]} The API call I am trying is - REQUEST POST<org_name>/userroles/SuperDeveloper/permissions { "path" : "/environments", "permissions" : [ "get" ]} RESPONSE HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Tue, 01 Sep 2015 23:23:58 GMT
Apigee Router

I gave "get" access to "/v1/organizations/{}/environments" but not able to get environments in the screen.

This information might help. I already have following permissions for the role - { "resourcePermission": [ { "organization": "", "path": "/", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/dev/*", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/ci/*", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/qa/*", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/uat/*", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/sandbox/*", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/test/caches", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/production/caches", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/test/keyvaluemaps", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/production/keyvaluemaps", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/test/applications/*/revisions/*/debugsessions", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/production/applications/*/revisions/*/debugsessions", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/test/applications/*/revisions/*/deployments", "permissions": [] }, { "organization": "", "path": "/environments/production/applications/*/revisions/*/deployments", "permissions": [] } ]}

i see, sorry my bad, its envrionments - so 403, strange -- so i check my orgadmin, it has only '/' for get,post,delete is this on-prem, can you try sysadmin creds, can you post your orgadmin roles? and were you able to try using the UI to add these permissions

Here are my orgadmin access { "resourcePermission": [ { "organization": "orgname", "path": "/", "permissions": [ "delete", "get", "put" ] }, { "organization": "orgname", "path": "/environments", "permissions": [ "get" ] }, { "organization": "orgname", "path": "/environments/*", "permissions": [ "get" ] }, { "organization": "orgname", "path": "/environments/*/virtualhosts", "permissions": [ "get" ] }, { "organization": "orgname", "path": "/environments/*/virtualhosts/*", "permissions": [ "get" ] } ]} I am only using APIs to create this, as I have some unwanted behaviour from UI

New Member
@jaskaran.rm I noticed something wrong with your permissions:
    "resourcePermission": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/",
            "permissions": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/dev/*",
            "permissions": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/ci/*",
            "permissions": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/qa/*",
            "permissions": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/uat/*",
            "permissions": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/sandbox/*",
            "permissions": [
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/test/caches",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/production/caches",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/test/keyvaluemaps",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/production/keyvaluemaps",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/test/applications/*/revisions/*/debugsessions",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/production/applications/*/revisions/*/debugsessions",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/test/applications/*/revisions/*/deployments",
            "permissions": []
            "organization": "",
            "path": "/environments/production/applications/*/revisions/*/deployments",
            "permissions": []
If you notice the "organization" field in your permissions is empty, ideally there would be the org-id for things to work. How did you create the custom role, did you use the UI or the APIs to create the role ? An example of a custom role would be this:
  "resourcePermission" : [ {
    "organization" : "apigee-func",
    "path" : "/",
    "permissions" : [ "get", "put", "delete" ]
  }, {
    "organization" : "apigee-func",
    "path" : "/environments",
    "permissions" : [ "get" ]
  }, {
    "organization" : "apigee-func",
    "path" : "/environments/*",
    "permissions" : [ "get" ]
  }, {
    "organization" : "apigee-func",
    "path" : "/environments/*/virtualhosts",
    "permissions" : [ "get" ]
  }, {
    "organization" : "apigee-func",
    "path" : "/environments/*/virtualhosts/*",
    "permissions" : [ "get" ]
  } ]
Note the organization field is populated. When that field is not populated, your permissions cannot be determined and hence you might be seeing that error.

Hi @arghya das - I replaced the org name to "<org_name>" . For some name it doesnt show up in the comment

New Member
@jaskaran.rm I was referring to the empty "" org name in the json payload. Are you saying you actually had the correct org-id set there ?

Yes I have that. All other accesses are working as expected.

New Member
Is this on cloud ? Did you try to create the same role using the UI, at least see if you get the same problem there as well.

Yup. Its on cloud. From UI, it does create this access. But, it creates a bunch of other stuff aswell. Also, I cant remove access to an environment specific KVM from UI. So I will need to have a mix and match. Which is painful but is a workaround to get us started.

Not applicable

Hi @jaskaran.rm

I am trying to do the same thing for the environment in the cloud. I am not sure whether you could successfully create the role permission for the environment or not ?

I am sending the following payload and I am getting HTTP 403 for that.

    "organization": "MY-ORG-NAME",
    "path" : "/environments/*",
    "permissions" : [ "get" ]   

or even tried the following one:

    "path" : "/environments/*",
    "permissions" : [ "get" ]   

For all cases I am getting:

HTTP/1.1 403 
ForbiddenConnection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 11:19:30 GMT
Server: Apigee Router