Not able to access proxy created from Browser/Curl

Not applicable

I have followed instructions given in page- and created my first apigee proxy. At Step 3, I tested the service by sending the request from API Console and it worked fine. But I am not able to access the proxy from browser or curl. I am getting below error. Please let me know how to access this proxy from browser/curl.

An error occurred. Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

1 8 4,755

@Suneel , What's the end point / request you are sending, Can you attach screenshot of console & output from curl? Above question as it stands cannot be answered without more details.

Not applicable
@Anil Sagar

, Sorry for missing the details. Proxy URL is Please find attached screenshots.

@Suneel , Seems like it's DNS issue with new orgs provisioned, Let me loop in our support. You can follow incident here. @AMAR DEVEGOWDA any help here ? Same DNS issue with new orgs.

@Suneel, @Anil Sagar,

I will look into the issue and update this thread.

Awesome, Thank you for quick update @AMAR DEVEGOWDA

Dear @Suneel,

I checked your org "MyApigeeOrg" and ran a couple of APIs using the curl command and they worked fine. For ex, I ran the below curl command and I got 200 OK response code.

curl -v 

However, when I load the above URL, I got the same error as what you're seeing.

The reason for this issue is that the org name "MyApigeeOrg" has some uppercase letters and when you use uppercase letters in the browser, it will still treat them as lowercase letters and we get page not found error. You can see more information about case insensitivity of DNS here.

Due to this issue, we can't have uppercase letters in org names. I would like to suggest you to create another org with only lowercase letters to avoid this issue.



Thanks Amar for the assistance. Can you please guide me with the path to create a new org.I couldn't find it myself

Dear @Suneel,

You can sign up for Apigee with a different email address. This will help you to create another org (but remember to use only lowercase letters for the org name/username).

