Not able to access PSD2 Open bank Mock backend

Not applicable

Getting "unauthorized" Description:Subject does not have permission [applications:get:983510d0-1b35-11e6-b542-71d386c9dd0b:/customers...

I am getting this error when I try to access the OpenBank Set of APIs. Can someone explain me how to access the MOCK API BAAS backend data for this use case or what credentials are required for the same?

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@SoneshSharma Where are you running this from? Have you deployed the APIs to your own org, or are you running these from the openbank dev portal?

If you have deployed it on your own org / baas, then by default the newly created application will not be in sandbox mode i.e. will require credentials to access the data. Please open up the access by logging into Api BaaS and going into the Users -> Roles navigation on the left.

Then for the guest role, please add a new permission with the path /**, and select all the 4 HTTP verbs listed.

This should fix the problem.

Going forward we will enable token support so that the sandbox data can be secured.

I have deployed it in my Org and trying to access.

Please help me to understand as I am trying to access "".. How Can I get access myself to psubrahmanyam's BAAS account.

Or is there any sample data available which i can directly import into my BAAS account.

Please correct if I my understanding is wrong.

No, you will not be able to use this BaaS account.

Give me a day and I will push some updated scripts and sample data into github. You should then be able to set up a fully working account of your own

@SoneshSharma please get the latest pull from the openbank github repo at

Now run the script again (inside src/gateway/setup) and it will deploy all the artifacts correctly and set up the sandbox data in your own baas.

@SoneshSharma did you get this working with the latest script from github? Let me know if you are still running into issue, or please let us know if this solution works for you. Thanks. 🙂

Thanks Prashanth for quick response..

I was able to import the data in my org. and also able to test the few apis like location.

But not able to test the other APIs as I don't have proper test cases for other APIs and also facing issue in understanding the end to end flow.

If you could provide any test case for the same it would be great help.

Hi Prashanth..

I am trying to test the OAuth API using both OpenBank portal and my Org APIs.

While Testing oauth/authorize request I am getting

OpenBank Portal: 302 Found and

In MyOrg: 302 and uri_redirect Page(Location : without sessionId..

In both the cases I am not getting access_token or authorization code...

And after this When I try to test oauth/token->getting 404 Not Found (Bad Request error) in both(OpenBank Portal and MyOrg).

Please help on this

@SoneshSharma Hi Sonesh, please mark me with the @ so that I get a notification. Else I don't get to know that the question is still active. 🙂

Anyway, it might be easier to close this topic over a call. Will talk to you soon.

@Prashanth Subrahmanyam transfererror.jpg workingconsent-transfer.jpg

Hi Prashanth,

While testing transfers API I am getting below error(find the attached screenshots) after allowing access for the account number {"error":"json_parse","timestamp":1467834396540,"duration":1,"exception":"org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException","error_description":"Unexpected character (',' (code 44)): expected a valid value (number, String, array, object, 'true', 'false' or 'null')\n at [Source:; line: 4, column: 28]"}

Please help on this

@SoneshSharma firstly, It's better to create a new question for different topics. It will be easier for someone to refer to the answers. So for any future questions on different APIs or topics, lets create a new quesion. You can tag me there as well. 🙂

As for your answer, could you please check the transfer-connector API and see if the targets points to the correct BaaS instance?

@Prashanth Subrahmanyam

Created a new question.

Please refer to "Facing issue in Transfer API of OPEN BANK PSD2 APIs" .
