Need help in CiCD pipeline for APIGEE

Hello @Siddharth Barahalikar / Team,

I have tried to implement CICD pipeline with APIGEE as per the given guidelines by Sid. THe problem is i am stuck at Integration test step and my cucumber reports are not generating too. Can you please help me in understanding the APICKLI folder like what /hr22 , what is /hr as i am using a very simple api having not much policies. So please help me in getting it resolve.

Error smaple:


1) Scenario: Create a User Record # features\1-basic.feature:6
   √ Before # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:29
   √ Before # features\support\init.js:9
   √ Given I set body to {"email":"","first_name":"Pratyush","last_name":"Singh","phone":"XXXXX","user":"employee"} # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:52
   √ And I set headers to # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:47
       | name         | value            |
       | Content-Type | application/json |
   √ When I POST to /weatherapi # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:101
   × Then response code should be 200 # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:167
       Error: stepContext: 
         success:  false
         expected: 200
         actual:   504
           statusCode: 504
             date:           Sun, 09 Feb 2020 09:57:47 GMT
             content-length: 0
             connection:     close
           at C:\Users\Pratyush\.jenkins\workspace\Jenkins-pipeline\test\integration\node_modules\cucumber\lib\user_code_runner.js:95:19
           at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
           at asyncGeneratorStep (C:\Users\Pratyush\.jenkins\workspace\Jenkins-pipeline\test\integration\node_modules\cucumber\lib\user_code_runner.js:18:103)
           at _throw (C:\Users\Pratyush\.jenkins\workspace\Jenkins-pipeline\test\integration\node_modules\cucumber\lib\user_code_runner.js:20:291)
   - And response body path $.id should be XXXXXPratyush # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:200
   - And response body path $.name should be Pratyush Singh # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:200
   - And response body path $.account should be Active # apickli\apickli-gherkin.js:200

Please let me know what mistake i am doing.



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/hr22 is the basePath of the Deployed API Proxy being tested.

You need to change this if your proxy is using a different basePath.