Multiple Projects with in same organization


I am new to APIGEE. I am using APIGEE X and trying to understand the concept of organization, folders, projects etc. I have created one organization and a project. I am able to access the APIGEE as well for that org. But when i try to create another project and try to access the same in APGIEE, it always says it needs to be APIGEE enabled GCP project. I am not sure what kind of permission/role is required to add to make it visible in my APIGEE console for creating new API's. Can anyone help me with relevant answers or point me to the documentation which helps?



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GCP organizations, folders and projects are a way to organize GCP cloud resources. Read more here.

You can have multiple Apigee organizations within one GCP organization. Each Apigee org needs a GCP project. There's a 1-to-1 mapping.

But when i try to create another project and try to access the same in APGIEE, it always says it needs to be APIGEE enabled GCP project.

If you are following the evaluation instructions, I think, but am not sure, that you can have multiple eval Apigee orgs. If you are not using the eval/trial version of Apigee X, then you need to connect with your account team to get your GCP project enabled and entitled for Apigee X.

What problem are you really trying to solve, by creating multiple Apigee organizations?


We have separate GCP projects for:

Development, QA, UAT and Production

Backend services are deployed with Istio(GKE) in each project and doesn't have public IP.

How should we think about Apigee setup in this scenario? Please suggest.

You will need to setup VPC-peering or Shared VPC between your Apigee hosted project and your backend services project.
