Move from Apigee Edge to Apigee X

Good morning Everyone,

We are running Apigee Edge at the moment and would like to move to Apigee X.

We are looking for any options, instructions, best practices, etc that anyone can offer please.

Thank you.

Best regards,


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That's a juicy topic.  

The general idea and pattern and metaphor is the same , but Apigee X is different from Apigee Edge in multiple ways:

  • identity for admin and operator users in Apigee X is governed by GCP IAM and RBAC, not Apigee IAM and RBAC. Roles are GCP roles, not Apigee roles. 
  • the VirtualHost concept is gone, replaced by environment groups and GCP External Load Balancer.
  • There are various new policies in Apigee X: DialogFlow, CORS, DataCapture, ExternalCallout, TraceCapture
  • API Proxy revisions are immutable, once deployed.
  • You can deploy a maximum of 50 proxies to an environment in Apigee X
  • provisioning and setup  of Apigee X is.... up to you.  (In Apigee Edge, the Apigee ops team did all the provisioning)
  • KVMs are all encrypted, using a customer-provided encryption key
  • The Admin API endpoint is different (, and the authentication is different (need OAuth tokens always)

I would suggest that if you are an enterprise using Apigee Edge today, get connected with a services partner to get educated and enabled on a migration plan.  Your Apigee account team may be able to help facilitate that conversation. 

Hi @dchiesa1 

We are using Apigee Edge Enterprise. We have three Organizations & each Organization has four environments. How will Organization move Apigee Edge to Apigee x? Will it be part of the migration, or do we need to create the org in advance? Could you please confirm?

@dchiesa1 Is there a public document on Edge -> X migration antipatterns similar to a migration checklist, where the incompatibilities are enumerated? That way we can proactively code to the minumum migration standard while we are still in Edge or OnPrem. For us it still may be a long time before we migrate. Thanks!