Modify form-data Request body - Add new Key-Value

We have an use case where were receive form-data payload with multiple key value pairs. I need extract value from one key, create an json object and assign it to new Key. 
New payload should have the existing values along with the new one.







From the above screen shot. I need to extract value of Sample Key which is an json object and create a new Key Sample2 in the below json format. 


"Trace-Id": "abc123ABC",
"Time": "{client.received.end.timestamp}",
"Payload": ["{Sample Value}"]


My Final req going to target system should look like below snapshot.




Solved Solved
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If I were you I would set the debug property to true, and then examine the trace, to see the call stack when the exception is thrown. javax.json.JsonValue is a class that is used inside the callout, for parsing JSON.  I don't know why it would be giving that error. Your configuration works for me. 

Do you have the two required dependency jars in your proxy bundle? 

  • javax.json-api-1.1.4.jar
  • javax.json-1.1.4.jar


View solution in original post


I think what you are hoping to do is.... Configure an Apigee API Proxy to accept a multi-part form request, which contains 3 parts. One part is a JSON payload and the other 2 parts are "attachments" which happen to be PDF files. You want the proxy to extract and then modify the JSON payload, then re-assemble the modified JSON payload into a multi-part form again, along with the original two attachments (unchanged).

IF that's the case, then I think you can do that manipulation using the Multipart form callout:

  • first, invoke the Java callout (MultipartFormParserV2) to parse the form and extract the parts,
  • then use a JavaScript callout to do the modification on your JSON payload
  • then invoke the Java callout (MultipartFormCreatorV2) to create a new multi-part message, using the modified JSON payload

The MultipartFormParserV2 will produce a couple byte arrays that contain the attachments. You can pass those as inputs to the MultipartFormCreatorV2 to create the form. 

@dchiesa1 Thanks for the response.
Yes, I need to extract the first multi-part form key value(which is a JSON). Using the extracted value (JSON), I need to create 4th multi-part form(Eg Sample 2) in below format. 

"Trace-Id": "abc123ABC",
"Time": "{client.received.end.timestamp}",
"Payload": ["{First multi-part Value(JSON)}"]

 My final req going to target system looks like below snap shot.



OK, and did you try it? Did it work?

Am using below java callout to extract value from req and seeing below error 



<JavaCallout continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Java-Callout-1">
        <Property name="source">message</Property>
        <Property name="debug">true</Property>



message should have all the request content including headers and payload as per the documentation.


mpf_exception : java.lang.IllegalStateException: contentType must not be null
mpf_error  : contentType must not be null

 In request I have all the required values given in documentation. 

content-length : 1003964
content-type : multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------185623916636805336267638
Request Body:
----------------------------185623916636805336267638 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Sample" {
JSON Payload

I also tried with the sample bundle in repo. Its also giving me the same error


Please let me know if am using it in right way?

You are using it in the right way.  But... there is a bug in the 20230117 version of the callout, which did not handle parts which lacked a content-type header. 

I've updated the callout, and I believe it should work for you now. Can you "git pull" and give it another try? 

I got the latest code from the repo and now its working. 
Thanks for fixing the bug @dchiesa1 

Now am seeing another issue.
From the example below. 


Request Body:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Sample"
JSON Payload


Extracted JSON from Sample and created another JSON object in the required below format.


"Trace-Id": "abc123ABC",
"Time": "{client.received.end.timestamp}",
"Payload": ["{Sample JSON (First multi-part Value)}"]


Now am trying to create a new multi-part message called ENVELOPE with the modified JSON using MultipartFormCreatorV2.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<JavaCallout continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="JC-MultiFormRequest">
        <Property name="descriptor">
      "ENVELOPE" : {
        "content-var" :  "EnvelopeStr",
        "content-type" : "application/json",
        "want-b64-decode": false


JavaCallout is giving the error.



    "fault": {
        "faultstring": "Failed to execute JavaCallout. javax/json/JsonValue",
        "detail": {
            "errorcode": "steps.javacallout.ExecutionError"

error.class 	com.apigee.kernel.exceptions.spi.UncheckedException
type 	ErrorPoint
error 	Failed to execute JavaCallout. javax/json/JsonValue
Identifier 	fault


Also could you please send sample code on how to pass inputs to the MultipartFormCreatorV2 to create the form.
In our case we will have n number of attachments coming as part of the actual request.


If I were you I would set the debug property to true, and then examine the trace, to see the call stack when the exception is thrown. javax.json.JsonValue is a class that is used inside the callout, for parsing JSON.  I don't know why it would be giving that error. Your configuration works for me. 

Do you have the two required dependency jars in your proxy bundle? 

  • javax.json-api-1.1.4.jar
  • javax.json-1.1.4.jar