
Not applicable


I have set up the Micro gateway and working on it.

I am doing same thing what ever mentioned in Apigee doc here -


When calling edgemicro_ through the command Prompt as mentioned in doc, I am getting the below response :

	HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
	Server: BlueCoat-Security-Appliance
	Connection: Close


When first time I called without Token, I got the same error as mentioned in the doc but second time I got the Token using /token resource of edgemicro_auth and got the above response.

Also, I have set up below on Linux command prompt-

	cd /usr/local
	export http_proxy=http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@
	export https_proxy=$http_proxy

Exactly trying to do same thing mentioned in Apigee doc but still above response

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This response:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: BlueCoat-Security-Appliance
Connection: Close

Suggests that there is an intervening network appliance, a BlueCoat device, that is lying between your command line and the edgemicro server. And that appliance is telling you that you need to go somewhere else. Why? that is a mystery.

You'll need to get that mystery sorted before you proceed further. Maybe you could get some assistance from someone else on your side to figure out how to set the http proxy so requests can get through the bluecoat thing.

Also, you have embedded an actual, valid username/password pair in your question. I've since changed it. But Don't do that!

Thanks Dino,

Can you please confirm my below understanding -

  1. For calling edgemicro_ API from the Linux machine command prompt - use the http://localhost:8000/basePath where 8000 is default port. Is it right understanding? I am hoping this URI also work when calling from the Postman or Mozilla - Firefox browser
  2. Each time when calling the edgemicro_ API from Linux Command prompt need to start/stop edgemicro gateway but if close it without stop, it is showing strange message such as - for example - when try to start in a new prompt - it is given message - "Already running" and when try to stop - showing - "Already stop". In such situation, I go to prefix - (/usr/local) and do "ls" and remove 'edmicro.sock ' , but still the same situation. Can you please suggest something for resolve it?

If any of above understanding is not correct, please let me know including above two qury.



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@Rajeev Chaturvedi

Always start Edgemicro from a a folder where the user starting Edgemicro has read/write access to the folder. Home directory of the user is a good option. When Edgemicro starts, there is a 'edgemicro.sock' file created. If Edgemicro is killed without using "edgemicro stop" or "Ctrl+C", then the file remains. Remove/delete the edgemicro.sock file and restart Edgemicro.