List available slots in a apigee environment

Hi Team, 

I'm working on automating deployments to ApigeeX environments. Since there is a limit of 50 proxies per env, Is there an API available to find the number of free slots in an environment? 



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I'm not aware of an API to directly give you the number but you could use environments deployment Management API , which will give you the list of deployed API proxies in an environment. Then from the result, look at the length of the deployments array

Adding to what Dane said, .... we're working on making this simpler.  We know it's a hassle to map proxies into environments and to figure out how many slots are available. I feel your pain.  The engineering team is working diligently on improving this experience. Stay tuned.

For other readers, Keep in mind the "50 proxy limit" is not a limit that applies to Apigee in general. We have customers that have hundreds or thousands of proxies under management. They just need to use multiple environments.

I have same requirement, every time i need to verify from portal for available slot.

Do you have any update on improvements

Advanced thanks for your info   

No formal update at this time.

@gsjurseth you may have some further comment.

There is a api that returns all the deployed apis inside a environment in json format. it doesn't return the count but returns a json array and you can write a simple javascript or bash script to count the number of deployed apis.