Java to cloud sql connection with setVerifyServerCertificate set to true - error -Signature does not match.

Hey guys,

We're trying to verify the server cert while connecting to cloud sql via our java callout.

Works perfectly fine in non-prod cloud sql verification.

But throws the error " Signature does not match." while trying to connect to Prod with setVerifyServerCertificate(true).

If we disable verifyServerCert, then it works fine in prod.

The server-ca.pem was downloaded from google cloud sql console and added to a truststore as

keytool -importcert -alias MySQL_Prod_CACert -file server-ca.pem -keystore apigee-cloudsql-prd-truststore.jks -storepass <SomePassword>-noprompt

Any pointers on how to debug?

Thanks in advance,


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I do not believe your cloud sql driver call would automatically see apigee truststores or keystores.

You would need to pass your ca pem into your java callout via context/callout parameters and use it to populate the ca root certificate.

same for the mTLS connection with Cloud SQL (ie, use setClientCertificate() and setClientKey() methods)

View solution in original post


Also tried the keytool command using -trustcacerts switch

I do not believe your cloud sql driver call would automatically see apigee truststores or keystores.

You would need to pass your ca pem into your java callout via context/callout parameters and use it to populate the ca root certificate.

same for the mTLS connection with Cloud SQL (ie, use setClientCertificate() and setClientKey() methods)

My apologies if i haven't made that clear in my question. The truststore that i created is passed to the connection object. that's how i mentioned it works for the non-prod env.

These are the settings for Prod and non-prod-

URL trustStore = null;

if("prd".equals(csp.environment.toLowerCase())) {

trustStore = this.getClass().getResource("apigee-cloudsql-prd-truststore.jks"); }

else { trustStore = this.getClass().getResource("apigee-cloudsql-np-truststore.jks");



msds.setTrustCertificateKeyStoreUrl("file:" + trustStore.getFile()); msds.setTrustCertificateKeyStorePassword(csp.jksStorePassword);

OK. I'm with you now.

The error is pretty straightforward, your CA certificate does not validate your server certificate.

The easiest way to troubleshoot ssl/tls issues is to run your connection code as a standalone java code outside of apigee with flag

Of course, if you have an OPDK, you can restart your MP with same flag. But for SaaS, I'm afraid that's the *easy* option.

See here for details,

Tu es un génie!

I ran it and got the attached error.


Here's the ca cert in my truststore that i had downloaded from prod google cloud sql console.


Any pointers on why it'd throw certificate unknown error?

Invalidated: [Session-1, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA] main, SEND TLSv1.1 ALERT: fatal, description = certificate_unknown

Another observation, I would expect you do use command like this:

keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias mockserver -file mockserversscert.crt -keystore edgeuitruststoresscert.jks<br>

to populate your truststore and obviously not to use a password.

the trustchain looks structurally all right.

there is one root trusted certificate added to the runtime:

adding as trusted cert:
  Subject: C=US, O="Google, Inc", CN=Google Cloud SQL Server CA
  Issuer:  C=US, O="Google, Inc", CN=Google Cloud SQL Server CA
  Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x0
  Valid from Mon Mar 11 15:14:15 PDT 2019 until Thu Mar 08 14:15:15 PST 2029

And this is not the one that is in your .pem file

 Issuer: CN=Google Cloud SQL Server CA, O=Google, Inc, C=US
            Not Before: Feb  1 18:18:41 2019 GMT
            Not After : Jan 29 18:19:41 2029 GMT
        Subject: CN=Google Cloud SQL Server CA, O=Google, Inc, C=US

You can fetch your server certificate using command like this:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null

Can you validate your server certificate using openssl like this against your chain:

# no intermediate
openssl verify -CAfile ca-certs/rootca-crt.pem server-certs/traininglab-crt.pem 

# with intermediate
openssl verify -CAfile ~/projects/sscerts/root/ca/intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem \

One more question, if it's 1way, then you just need a single simple truststore with a single root certificate. I can see a key populated in your keystore. are you trying to set up a mtls? if not, what's the key cert you've added to the keystore?

Thank you so much, génie!

I was finally able to resolve it with your help.

I went back and checked the server-ca.pem file that the prod cloud sql gave me. It had 2 certs in there.

One with an expiry of Thu Mar 08 14:15:15 PST 2029

and the 2nd with an expiry of Jan 29 18:19:41 2029 GMT.

When i verified the server cert that was coming in via the debug cmd that you shared

I found that it was issued by the 2nd cert in the pem file with the expiry date of Jan 29 18:19:41 2029 GMT

So i created my truststore jks just with that 2nd server-ca file and viola!

It worked! 🙂

Thank you so much once again for your time, patience and willingness to help and share your knowledge!

Much appreciated.




You are most welcome!