JSONToXML ignores ObjectRootElementName for object with one property

Not applicable

When I try to convert JSON with only one property inside


for some reason it ignores options

<ObjectRootElementName>Root</ ObjectRootElementName>

and return XML like this


but if I try to pass JSON with more than one property it perfectly works. For example for the next JSON

{"abc":"123", "efg": "456"}

it returns expected XML


What could be the reason of behavior like this and how to prevent it?

0 5 186

Please confirm: Your expected return value in the first case is:


Yes, that's exact XML that I expected to get! 🙂

Did you solve this issue? I have the same situation here.

The solution, I guess, would be to have an additional policy

  • a preceding policy that wraps the input JSON in another layer

    - OR -
  • a subsequent policy that wraps the output XML in your preferred root element

Ah, yes.

The documentation states:

<ObjectRootElementName> specifies the root element name when you convert from JSON, which does not have a named root element, to XML.

Based on this, I think the behavior you are reporting, is the expected behavior.