JSON property name and value search and replace

Hi All,

I need to search and replace one tag name and value in JSON object response from the target system.

Here is an example of target response:

i need to replace the "ErrorCode" to "ResponseCode" and "1000" to "200".


{ "Status": "PASSED", "ErrorCode": "1000"} 


{ "Status": "PASSED", "ResponseCode": "200"} 

I tried a few examples posted on stackoverflow but couldn't find anything that will do a deep search and replace.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 4 7,192

The Very simple way to satisfy your particular case in a JS callout within Apigee Edge is:

var c = JSON.parse(context.getVariable('response.content'));
c.ResponseCode = 200;  // or "200", if you want string
delete c.ErrorCode;
context.setVariable('response.content', JSON.stringify(c)); 

That satisfies your particular case. But I think you want something more complex.

Can you give two additional examples - input & desired output - to illustrate what you mean by "Deep search and replace"?

I have used a similar solution as suggested by @Dino, and it works fine. Adding a new property to JSON and deleting the old one.

Yes, That's clear way of doing addition and deletion of objejcts.

If you want apply regex, then you can do like this

var str = '{ "Status": "PASSED", "ErrorCode": "1000"}';

var output = str.replace( new RegExp(/"errorcode":\s*"[^"]+?[^\/"]+"/ig),'"ResponseCode": "200"');
