Issue while starting Microgateway

Not applicable

Following steps in :

On part 3 while starting Edge Microgateway, using

agent proc -c start -k YOUR_KEY -s YOUR_SECRET. I am getting access denied for I am behind company firewall and using proxy configuration to complete Step 1 and Step 2. Any advise to resolve this issue is much appreciated.

Using: apigee-edge-micro-1.1.1, node - 4.2.1

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Once you have started agent, try following from cli 'edgemicro agent proc -c start -k YOUR_KEY -s YOUR_SECRET.

The key and secret should be there from 'edgemicro config' command.

Hi, getting the error when doing the

agent proc -c start -k YOUR_KEY -s YOUR_SECRET , access denied for

I am assuming you are replacing YOUR_KEY and YOUR_SECRET with what was generated for you, right?

You are getting access denied, not connection refused so that suggests to me that you are not using right key and secret. If you have lost previous key and secret then you need to do 'edgemicro genkeys'

Not applicable

Did this ever get resolved?

Don't know but this seems to be very specific to this environment.