Is there any Management API which retrieves historical details (selecting 6 months ) on transaction developer wise split in weeks duration?


Is there any Management API which retrieves historical details (selecting 6 months ) on transaction developer wise split in weeks duration?

We did check below management api as per docs it didnt work out{myorg}/environments/prod/stats/devs?select=sum(message_count...

Please let us know on this.


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Sorry, can you please clarify this phrase:

historical details (selecting 6 months ) on transaction developer wise split in weeks duration?

I'm having trouble parsing the syntax there. I understand the "6 months" part to imply that you would like to look back 6 months in time. I understand "split in weeks" - maybe you'd like to aggregate activity by week. But let's set the aggregation aside for the moment. What exactly is "historical details on transaction developer wise" ?

Can you give some examples of what you would like to see?