Is there an easy way to find who owns an API key with just the key?

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I have an api key that apparently USED to work, and I need to map it back to its source. Thoughts?

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Dear @Benjamin Goldman ,

You can search Developer Apps by API Key in Management Portal UI. For Example, See screenshot below from Management UI Portal Developer Apps list page.



Anil Sagar

View solution in original post


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I put in a request for us to create one doc that chronicles all of the settings made when an apikey is validated. When that is available, I'll update this forum entry.

Thanks. Chasing this down is a bit more complicated than I thought it would be!

Dear @Benjamin Goldman ,

You can search Developer Apps by API Key in Management Portal UI. For Example, See screenshot below from Management UI Portal Developer Apps list page.



Anil Sagar

This is very nice. has this features been released to the private cloud / on premise version of the gateway?

@Benjamin Goldman, We believe same feature should work in On Premise Management UI Portal too. Please let us know if it doesn't work.

I have not upgraded to 1504 yet - but this feature is currently NOT available in 150101

Not applicable

hi @Benjamin Goldman

You can use the management API to list all the keys (List App IDs in an Organization) and search for the key you are interested in. The trick is to set the query param 'expand' to true

You can find the API doc here:

This is the API:

GET<your org name>/apps?expand=true

For on-prem/private cloud the API should look something like this

http://<management server IP>:8080/v1/organizations/<your org name>/apps?expand=true

API response with the details about the key (and the app it belongs to)

HTTP/1.1 200 

  "app": [
      "accessType": "",
      "apiProducts": [],
      "appFamily": "default",
      "appId": "6270673e-68d7-46e0-9220-c00c4a7f95fe",
      "attributes": [
          "name": "DisplayName",
          "value": "Test App"
          "name": "Notes",
          "value": ""
      "callbackUrl": "",
      "createdAt": 1432333483184,
      "createdBy": "",
      "credentials": [
          "apiProducts": [
              "apiproduct": "PremiumWeatherAPI",
              "status": "approved"
          "attributes": [],
          "consumerKey": "v8OERAAG7SL3wrn6DMq3bkE3rGd1M2xD",
          "consumerSecret": "A3JGz6KAg355Qdjt",
          "expiresAt": -1,
          "issuedAt": 1432333484534,
          "scopes": [],
          "status": "approved"
      "developerId": "y6iCSw6Usq6okrVr",
      "lastModifiedAt": 1432333483184,
      "lastModifiedBy": "",
      "name": "Test-App",
      "scopes": [],
      "status": "approved"

im not sure that this answer really answers my question. This answer tells me how to find an api key in a list. It does not tell me who owns the key.

can we take the "best answer" off this? The answer below by asagar is more accurate - even though it doesnt apply to on-premise.

@Benjamin Goldman

The API response has details on who created the API, the app name, products associated etc. Infact the UI pulls the data of the same API.

Updated my answer with a sample response that has all the details of the APP, once you are able to search for the key you are interested in.

hmm - the system wont let me report this as misleading -please consider this post a report of misleading answers.

this should NOT be marked best answer.

Not applicable

Yeah - that still doesnt give me the ability to take a key and zoom into who it is attached to. I will test this in 1404 when we start testing next week and see if its available there.

Not applicable

@Benjamin Goldman , Even I have an usecase where I want to retrieve the app information based on the key but there is no direct way or a single API to do that .

Whenever I want to do that , I usually go to Cassandra and lookup as it is fast and I am on On-premise .

You can do the same by following what @asagar and mentioned above and I assume both should be available on R15.01 as I am on R14.01 and I see both of them working . I think you should probably check your wiring or check with support .

I have seen issues with UI when there are too many apps like more than 15K apps , it takes more time to retrieve and load that in UI where as the Apis are quick and you can build scripts on top of those APIs too.

So for me the best answer is to query on C* 🙂 but I will more rely on Apis mentioned above than the UI when apps are more .

so i guess going after them in cassandra will work if I have a staff to look these up for my users - or if i write a tool to do it.

the API calls that sandeep recommended WORK - but they do not give me what i need. I suspect that you are correct and some feature is not enabled on our 1501 install as our screen looks like this at this point in time


@Benjamin Goldman , Looks like you are correct . Even I can only search the app name but not the app key from UI (Which I don't use though) on R14.01 . So I assume this feature is added recently in 15.04 .

So you have 2 options now.

1) Use the API with expand = true. 2) Directly get it from C* .

Similar question asked here with a script based solution.