Is the use of "me" alias good API design practice?

Using a "me" alias in API design hides the value of the identifier.

GET /customers/me/accounts

I can see how this maintains the collection relations and can still allow specific ids to be used in the case where an "admin" user would be able to use a specific customer ID to see their accounts if they called in to a customer representative.

GET /customers/{customer-provided-to-rep-id}/accounts

I realize this adds a bit of complexity to caching and logging.

Is this considered bad API design and an artifact of days gone by?

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What's the value? Is it that you hide internal id information from the callers? app users? Some other reason to like it?

Not sure, I'm imagining it would make it easy for some Apps to consume the API. For example:

GET /authorize - authenticate user return OAuth token (or POST /token)
GET /customers/me/accounts - return logged in users accounts

Otherwise, with the use of an explicit customerId (UUID) and an opaque OAuth token, how is the customer ID retrieved?

makes sense. But then i wonder.. why bother with "me" at all?

GET /authorize
GET /accounts

If the token dictates what comes back, then admin users can still access anything, and users can still access their own bits.

Hmmm, yes I see, that approach would work, is that generally what designers do?

I would still want to be able to get a specific customer's accounts, as in my original use case. So would I provide multiple paths:

GET /accounts - get authorized user accounts
GET /customers/{id}/accounts - specific customer (enforcing auth)

and if the later then am I breaking consistency and confusing the consumer?

Thanks for the discussion!

In my opinion you aren't breaking anything or confusing anyone. But that's just like, my opinion, man.

You always have the option of only publishing the appropriate product to the appropriate consumers.