Intermittent 404 on simple proxy

Not applicable

We have a simple Apigee API Proxy connecting to a Target Endpoint Google Cloud Engine server.

The Target Endpoint server runs a basic PHP MySQL query using the GET query param passed to it from the original end user request. It has no load balancing (or anything else) in place between it and APIGee.

We have a few policies for caching, security, CORS etc. We're running this on a test evaluation account.

The setup works most of the time, but every so often the proxy returns a 404 error. We've had cases where this has persisted for several minutes (with the GCE Target Endpoint returning results as expected while APIGee was "down").

Our GCE server logs also show no errors.

We've tried tracing using the Apigee trace console, but when we get the 404, nothing is displayed, other than a red 404 status (which suggests that the process is failing at the initial Apigee server request?).

We're pretty stuck as to what might be causing this! Can anyone advise?


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TL;DR: Submit a ticket to Apigee support.

I was having an issue like this last week. In my case, every-other request would get a 404. I submitted a ticket and the support agent responded with "There was a discrepancy in the classification tree on one of the message processor nodes. I've manually re-synced them and the issue seems to have cleared up. I can't tell for sure how the problem occurred, but somewhere along the line a configuration event must been lost during deployment."

Hope this helps!