Integration with AWS API Gateway


i want to send a request from AWS API Gateway for token  validation using Lambda to Apigee. The token will generated by Apigee Edge.  Is there any solution available to achieve it?

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It is pretty standard use case. Assuming you have a token generated in apigee & you will be using lambda (python/nodejs) to validate.

1.Make sure you have required iam policy.
2.The verifier must extract and decode the JWT header and signature from the JWS provided in the Authorization header.
3.Use jwt header - kid value to fetch the coresponding public key from jwks(JSON Web Key Sets) - jwks should be publicly accessible
read more about jwks
4.Use the public key to verify.(lot of libraries available which does it for you jsonwebtoken,jose etc)


Hi V

Thanks for your reply, will go through the steps you mentioned.

Can you clarify?

to send a request from AWS API Gateway for token validation using Lambda to Apigee. The token will generated by Apigee Edge.

So Apigee Edge is generating a token. And then somehow your Lambda function is sending a request containing that token, to Apigee. ? Is that right? If Apigee generates the token with GenerateJWT, then I guess Apigee can also verify the token with VerifyJWT. Does this make sense? These are builtin policies. It should be straightforward.