Integrated Portal - Repeated description in Overview Section

Hi all,

I'm glad to start participating in this community that I've been following for some time.
We are starting to work with the integrated portal and we noticed that when we expose a product with an associated swagger/openapi in the catalog, in the initial section of the Overview, depending on the number of schemas, the API description information is repeated.
As in our test we have 6 schemas (including one for the error), we have 6 times the information multiplied.
Why is this happening? What is the solution to avoid this multiplication of the same information?

Thanks in advance.


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It's hard to know what might cause that. Can you give me a way to reproduce that on my own

  • a simple openapi spec document with the schemas and the right descriptions.
  • a description of the specific steps you follow to associate the spec to the product and then publish it to the portal
  • a description of the specific steps you follow to then SEE the duplication
  • and maybe a screenshot

I'm sorry to ask for all these details. I've never seen what you are describing, so I'd like to be clear about how you're getting there.

Thanks for the answer.

First note that the version we are using is Apigee Edge.
I will try to answer everything:
1- OpenApi example used in which the repetition happens:

2- Normally we use the specification (openapi) to create the Proxy with which we create the Product. In the end, we add the Product in the Portal Catalog and associate, in the Source API spec field, the specification (openapi) created. When there are changes in the specification, we reload this page of the catalog.

3- To see the duplication, just go to the Integrated Portal APIs page and choose the API. When you open the API on the left side there is a section called Overview and if we go through the section we check the repetition

4- Images of the repetition I refer to:

For each schema created, the API description is repeated.
This happens in all of our tests and in all APIs.


Hi everyone,

Does anyone have an explanation for the above and any solution, or is it an Integrated Portal bug in Apigee's Edge version?