Increase size for cache

Not applicable

Hello All,

I have a populate cache. For every request, I need to cache the sessionid and cookie value.

Timeout is 1 day, since we are not sure about the exact timeout of sessonid. Our TPS is 10. so per day my cache will have 864000. But my cache settings are below. I f i want to maintain above data? how to configure the proxy and how to scale the CPU, MEMORY of RMP and cassandra.



   "description": "",
    "diskSizeInMB": 0,
    "distributed": true,
    "expirySettings": {
        "timeoutInSec": {
            "value": ""
        "valuesNull": false
    "inMemorySizeInKB": 0,
    "maxElementsInMemory": 0,
    "maxElementsOnDisk": 1000,
    "name": "mycache",
    "overflowToDisk": true,
    "persistent": false

0 1 205

Not applicable

Hi @venkat ch,

This depends on the size of entry. There are restrictions on the size of cache and detail can be found here.

I would suggest to optimize TTL (as 1 day) by analysing the Cache hit-ratio. Also, to reduce negative impact of consuming too much memory via cache, internal logic of cache to move keys to disk space by using least-recently-used algorithm.


Rajesh Doda