I was able to configure Dynatrace on Apigee [Router and Message Processor] , however I dont see any pure path generated when run some transactions. Am i missing on something?

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0 10 1,175

what are you capturing? and what do you expect to see? are u using JMX?

PFA. any suggestion

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Could you add some details regarding which transactions are generating pure path and which are not? Are there any similarities in the policies being used in those that are working or not working? Does the http verb (GET, POST, etc) make any difference?

only 2 pure path during start of JVM. attched screenshot

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I need to capture all request received & processed by apigee. not sure on jmx

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only 2 pure path, nothing else

Hi Jyoti,

The calls shown are for the Management server and not for the Router -- maybe the profiler is connected to Mgmt server?

If you are looking for metrics for the requests processed at apigee, you could get all the information from analytics itself,

if you are looking for real time metrics you could either use metrics API or JMX for metrics either at the router or message processor

The on-premise configuration guide will have details on how to connect to JMX and all metrics available from JMX


Management server are somewhere else, dyatrace is connect to router and message processor. I am putting emphasis on it as in case of issues I will be able to get more information. last resot is analytics.

sorry, my bad. i think its router/mp - but at the mgmt port of it, 8081/8082.

I am not familiar with dynatrace - but from the screenshot it looked it a profiler - are you tracing requests based on a http port? in that case, you would need to provide the Virtualhost port, i guess

@Jyothi Prakash Apigee components even though are java processes, they internally have custom native code. Due to this reason Dynatrace is not able to instrument Apigee components. You will not be able to get Transaction details. But Dynatrace will be able to connect to Apigee components and get process information as well as JMX attributes. You might want to explore Dynatrace's Agent-Development-Kit (ADK) and see if there are other options available to trace the Transaction.