How to write regular expression for query string ?operation= or &test=do

We want to raise a threat protection error if the query string has ?operation= or . I tried adding below expressions but it was not working since the space between = and or was considering as @20 in apigee. 

1. <Variable name="request.querystring">
<Pattern ignoreCase="true">[\s]*((\bexec\b)|(\bdrop\b)|(\binsert\b)|(\bdelete\b)|(\bshutdown\b)|(\bupdate\b)|(\s\bor\b\s))</Pattern>

2. <Variable name="request.querystring">
<Pattern ignoreCase="true">[\s]*((\bexec\b)|(\bdrop\b)|(\binsert\b)|(\bdelete\b)|(\bshutdown\b)|(\bupdate\b)|(\sor\s))</Pattern>

Kindly let me know for the same.


0 1 1,204

Can you describe in words what query string you're trying to match? 

you have operation= or

Does that mean the query parameter value is " or" ?  in other words, a space followed by the word "or" ? 

And you want to find a regex that matches on that?  

What does test=do have to do with your question?  Is it related at all? 

If you want to check patterns in query params, the request.uri variable will contain the URI-encoded values. That is why you see something like %20 for the space. That is expected. If you want to match against that you have two options: 

  1. uri-decode the URI before trying to match
  2. match against the encoded form

For an example of the latter:

<RegularExpressionProtection name="REP-1">
  <!-- in the request, the request.uri is the proxy base path + the remainder of the address, including query parameters. -->
     The %20 matches against an encoded space. 
     Therefore %20or\b matches an encoded space followed by the word "or", 
     followed by a word boundary. 
  <Variable name="request.uri">

When I send a request in like this: 

curl -i "$endpoint/regex-protect-uri/t4" --data-urlencode 'operator= or' -G 

...which tells curl to uri-encode the thing passed to --data-urlencode, and pass it as a query param, the REP policy flags that query param.