How to start Apigee Management Server ? HOw to see logs console and how to find the port ?

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If you follow the default installation instructions, Apigee Edge is installed under /opt folder.

The command to start/stop/restart just the management server -

/opt/apigee4/etc/init.d/apigee-management-server  [ start | stop | restart | status ]

The default port for management API calls - 8080 & for UI - 9000.

You can find Apigee logs under


You will find separate folders for Apigee logs (router, MP, Management server, UI etc) under


This info and all the other info you need to know are available in the Private Cloud (aka OPDK) install config guide.

Thanks for the information. I could not find port 9000 by command netstat -an | grep 9000. I wanted to access UI.

I saw in other threads that the UI can start from the following path :

/apigee4/etc/init.d/apigee-ui start

I could not find apigee-ui under init.d

Dear @Venkateswarlu Pesala , Seems like port 9000 is not opened. See here for more details.

What's your Apigee Installation directory? Try [INSTAL_DIR]/apigee4/bin/ This script will start all the components. If there are issues, service will not start. You will see error on the console. If you see all OK, then try to grep for port 9000. Also disable firewall before you run the start command.