How to set up virtual host behind a load balancer

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I am creating a 5 Node topology Apigee Edge private cloud setup. It has 2 servers dedicated for Router/Message Processor.

I want to use a load balancer to split the traffic between the two servers. How should i create the virtual host for this? Should i create two virtual host, one for each of the server and let the load balancer point to both? I am planning on using a single DNS Name/SSL certificate and make both servers HTTPS.

0 2 821

Configure LB to route the traffic to backend two RMP. It may be TCP port(eg: 9002 port) healthcheck


deploy a sample healthcheck (deploy sample hello wold with base path /v1/healthcheck & request lb team to do a healthcheck on ( & proxy so that it actually sends traffic and validates if rmp are responding - this is more of real test as apposed to doing a port healthcheck.

Once you have LB configure you can use standard procedure to create 1 virtual host pointing to lb depending on your needs.

Will a single Virtual host as given below do the trick or do i need to create individual virtual host for each server first and then one for load balancer after the set up?

<VirtualHost name="ProdVHost">


<BaseUrl>https://{load balancer DNS name}</BaseUrl>





















<Property name="proxy_read_timeout">50</Property>

<Property name="keepalive_timeout">300</Property>

<Property name="proxy_request_buffering">off</Property>

<Property name="proxy_buffering">off</Property>

<Property name="ssl_protocols">TLSv1.2 TLSv1.1</Property>

<Property name="ssl_ciphers">HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!DH+3DES:!kEDH</Property>

