How to set response as text/plain using JS in Apigee

Hello all, 

I am working on Non-target API proxy and I am mocking the response for that. Original response have content-type as text/plain and without double quotations, but my response is in application/json with double quotes.

I gave the headers in AM as text/plain but the JS script is not working as expected. 

var Response = "ABC";


AM Response - 


<Payload content-Type="text/html" variablePrefix="@" variableSuffix="#">




<Header name ="Content-Type">text/plain</Header>



Please help me with the Response content to set it as text/plain instead of Json

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I think you want EITHER JS or AssignMessage, you probably do not need both.



<AssignMessage name='AM-Set-Mock-Response'>
    <Payload contentType='text/plain'>{variable-containing-text-content}</Payload>


or in JavaScript


var textOfResponse = 'whatever you like here';
var textOfResponse = context.getVariable('name-of-variable-holding-text');

context.setVariable('response.content', textOfResponse);
context.setVariable('response.header.content-type', 'text/plain');


In the AssignMessage you need not also use the Headers/Header element to set the content-type header. It will get set implicitly if you add the contentType attribute to the Payload element. See my example.

Also you don't need the @ and #. The default is to surround referenced variables in curly braces; that default will work fine for your purposes.

Also, I don't know what this means:

Original response have content-type as text/plain and without double quotations, but my response is in application/json with double quotes.

But maybe if you try one of my above suggestions your double-quoting problem will go away.

View solution in original post


I think you want EITHER JS or AssignMessage, you probably do not need both.



<AssignMessage name='AM-Set-Mock-Response'>
    <Payload contentType='text/plain'>{variable-containing-text-content}</Payload>


or in JavaScript


var textOfResponse = 'whatever you like here';
var textOfResponse = context.getVariable('name-of-variable-holding-text');

context.setVariable('response.content', textOfResponse);
context.setVariable('response.header.content-type', 'text/plain');


In the AssignMessage you need not also use the Headers/Header element to set the content-type header. It will get set implicitly if you add the contentType attribute to the Payload element. See my example.

Also you don't need the @ and #. The default is to surround referenced variables in curly braces; that default will work fine for your purposes.

Also, I don't know what this means:

Original response have content-type as text/plain and without double quotations, but my response is in application/json with double quotes.

But maybe if you try one of my above suggestions your double-quoting problem will go away.