How to restart Developer Portal

How to restart Developer Portal ?

What is the location and the command?


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Dear @GAURAV ,

Apigee Developer Portal runs on "AMP(Apache, MySQL,PHP)" stack. You don't need to restart portal to view changes that you have done to portal. Changes will be visible automatically.

If you have changed any of the Apache, MySQL, PHP settings then you need to restart specific service.

Why do you need to restart portal ? What's the use case here ?

hi @GAURAV - Have you deployed Edge in a private cloud deployment? I am assuming you are on a private cloud (aka on-premise) setup.

To start, stop, or restart the portal, you actually start, stop, or restart the Apache web server.

For example, to restart Apache on RedHat and CentOS, use the following command:

> service httpd restart 

To stop or start Apache on RedHat and CentOS, use the commands:

> service httpd stop > service httpd start 

Thanks, Sudhee