How to handle backslash ("\") after host? - "errorcode": "protocol.http.InvalidPath"

When I insert a backslash ("\") in the resource url, it returns an error message that leaves room for an 'intruder' to figure out which gateway I'm using.

https://myorg.apigee/ \

generated error:

{"fault": {"faultstring": "Invalid path GET // HTTP / 1.1", "detail": {"error code": "protocol.http.InvalidPath"}}}

By searching for: "errorcode": "protocol.http.InvalidPath", it is possible to identify that ApiGee is being used as API management platform.

How can I handle this backslash?


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I think Apigee is correctly handling that path.  It is invalid. 

The backslash character should not be present. If you need to pass something like that, the client should URI-encode the character before sending it in a request. 

I hope this helps. I'm sorry I don't fully understand the details of your question, as I do not speak Portuguese.


Sorry, I thought I translated the question. I've corrected it, I think I'll understand it better now.

The apigee handling leaves a security hole that allows the 'intruder' to identify the gateway I am using. I cannot change the error message as it occurs before accessing the proxy API.
How can I do this treatment?
