How to get report as 0 traffic for past 6 months

I am using apigee private cloud versions 4.19.01 and trying to get report 0 traffic api proxies for past 6 months. Can you please share with me anyone have answer or not currently not available?

i have tried CURL command report but that helps me only apiproxy sum of message counts traffic sample is here "http://<ms_IP>:8080/v1/organizations/{org_name}/environments/{env_name}/stats/apiproxy?select=sum(message_count)&timeRange=MM/DD/YYYY%20HH:MM~MM/DD/YYYY%20HH:MM&timeUnit=hour"

I am looking for 0 traffic which means other way. can you pls help me.

Thanks in advance your help

0 7 454

Not applicable

you can get into postgres-sql and do the query.

@Priyadarshi Thanks for your response. do you have command how to pull 0 traffic from postgres-sql?

Not applicable

select sum(message_count) as 'traffic',apiproxy from analytics."org.env.fact" where client_received_start_timestamp >= '${date1}' and client_received_start_timestamp < '${date2}' group by proxy_pathsuffix

you can frame as required.

Still returns the traffic count but i am looking for 0 traffic which mean no traffic for past 3 months. Is there a way to get report past 3 months unused API Proxies?

select sum(message_count) as 'traffic',apiproxy from analytics."org.env.fact" where client_received_start_timestamp >= '${date1}' and client_received_start_timestamp < '${date2}' and traffic = 0 group by apiproxy

try this

now i am getting below this query working at your end? can you pls try from your end and let me know.

ERROR: column "traffic" does not exist

select sum(message_count),apiproxy from analytics."org.env.fact" where client_received_start_timestamp >= '${date1}' and client_received_start_timestamp < '${date2}' group by apiproxy;

you can try this and improvise with where condition as required.