How to get an OAuth 2.0 & OAuth client secret

Good day to you all
I'm using a Google Workspace for my small business. Besides the workspace I also use another (separate) software.

Now in this software, with the new release it's possible to allow sending e-mail messages directly out of it. Unfortunately they don't provide any clear guidance on how to activate that with Gmail. But I figured it out mostly.

What I'm missing is the OAuth2.0 & OAuth client secret, that I would need to enter (in the seperate software) as well, to get it working.
After some web research, I came across, that this would need to be created/taken from Google Cloud. 

Is my assumption on this correct? 
As for me (with only very basic IT-knowledge), all Google Cloud information seems to be very high level for managing data, create environments for developers etc. 

If I should get the codes there, is there any step-by-step guidance? Also I am wondering if Workspace and Cloud somehow are linked or could be🤔

Thanks for any recommandations and support.
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I think you might want to ask your question in the Workspace forum . THIS forum is for Apigee. 

But I can try to help a little. 


You are correct that Cloud and Workspace are "cousins". They are not the same, but they're related. In particular, workspace relies on Cloud for provisioning credentials that wiould allow programmatic access to gmail, docs, sheets, and the rest of the Workspace assets. See this page, which tells you how to provision an OAuth2 client , and consent screen.

But maybe it is really simple, If your third-party package simply needs SMTP access, which it can use to do a very limited activity: send email on your behalf, from your account.  If that's the case you should disregard all of the OAuth2 stuff, and simply follow the steps here: . If you go this route, I highly encourage you to use 2-Factor-Auth and to set up the app-specific password. 

If the third-party package needs more than SMTP access, then you might need OAuth2 credentials. 

I am not a workspace expert, but I am aware that it is possible to create application credentials via the Cloud console that will allow access to workspace. This is not normally something you would do, as a "not expert IT guy".  That is the kind of thing the developer of the third-party software would do.  And you would just USE the credentials and OAuth2 client that the other developer has already built for you.  

To make this happen , normally you (the user of this software) would install the third-party software, or run it for the first time, and you'd see a consent screen in your browser, something like this: 


This is not exactly the one you would see; the consent screen will be different for each third party software. The name of the package would be there, and the things you are consenting to allow it to do, would be listed. That list of things might include "send emails from your account" or "read all of your email".  

If your third-party software does not provide instructions guiding you through that consent screen, then.... I think you need to go back to them and ask them how to get this to work. YOU should not be creating clients or credentials if THEY are the author of the package.

good luck.

Hi there

Thanks so much for your feedback and support dchiesa1 it's appreciated😀.
I will try the suggested route over the provided link and will reply on it later this week as I am currently too much caught in other stuff.

Unfortunately the software requires a OAuth 2.0 credential, only SMTP won't do the trick there. But it's very possible that their engineers/admins need to look further into this, as the IT support guy from them couldn't advise any clear guidance how to proceed for Gmail (whereas for outlook they have a step-by-step guide).

Thanks again and I will revert, once I tried.