How to find API Proxy name and API Product name using only with the URL

Hi Team,

I am using public cloud.Lets say I have only Proxy URL.How to find the API Proxy/Product name

0 4 1,216

@Thamil Muthu

API Proxy name is available as a flow variable. Pls refer: API Product & Consumer App details can be extracted using "VerifyAPIKey", & "AccessEntity" & "VerifyAccessToken" Policies using "API Key/Client_ID" & "Access Token" respectively. Refer the policy documentation for more details.

See my pblm completely different. I am having around 1500 API Proxies. Now I have only URL with that I need to find API Proxy name.

If you have access to Trace, you could invoke the URL and see which proxy shows up in the Trace

If you need to do it from outside the API proxy execution flow, you could use this Management API:

List API Products

setting expand=true. It will return apiResources (ie: basepath) and proxy names for all prodcuts

Warning: 2 cases where this won't work

  1. If the API proxy implementing the URL you're searching for is not included in any product
  2. If the apiResources in the product definition have been declared as '/' or '/**'. In that case you won't be able to match the specific URL.

A fail proof mode (but more involved and less efficient) is to use

List API Proxies to obtain all proxies for an organization

Then iterate through every proxy, calling Get API Proxy to obtain revision deploy in the environment you're after, and finally Get an API proxy revision to obtain revision details, including its basepath