How to customize the view of the Smartdocs for Drupal 8

In Smartdocs for Drupal 8 (, the API specification view is being rendered from an angular app. The Angular app is generated using the gstatic js modules. Is there any way this view can be customized in terms of changing the HTML structure, adding custom JS, etc?

In the screenshot below, I'm referring to the area inside the red rectangle. To what extent can this be customized?


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That's a super-broad question, so I'll offer a broad answer... there isn't much control offered over the HTML structure or custom JS. Because the API catalog supports swappable documentation renderers, you might consider whether an open source documentation solution might give you the level of control you need. If there is sufficient interest, we might consider open sourcing SmartDocs itself, but that isn't possible today.

You can target the css, but that is not optional. We are looking at ways to make this more configurable, but unfortunately we don't have anything at this point. See